Archives: Events
Breakout Sessions
Session Descriptions Dillon’s Law Artificial Intelligence and Recruiting Childhood Cancer
Breakout Sessions
Session Descriptions Jacob’s Voice Lions Portal Young Lions
Banquet & Novel Circus Entertainment
Saturday Banquet Menu This will be a plated dinner. Novel Motion Circus Engaging circus performances that embed practices from next generation science standards and social emotional competencies into your events. Our performances invite educators to come on stage to demonstrate a growth mindset and continued learning, and we invite students on stage to demonstrate experimental … Read more
Voting for District Leadership
Candidate Bios During the 27-D1 Convention a vote will be held to elect district leadership (District Governor, 1st Vice DG, 2nd Vice DG) for the 2025-26 club year. Candidate bios coming soon.
Keynote Luncheon
Saturday Lunch Buffet Menu Keynote Speaker Bio John Lawrence, International Director John A. Lawrence from Chestertown, Maryland, USA, was elected to serve a two-year term as an international director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 105th International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 7 through July 11, 2023. After serving in the US Army, … Read more